Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome to my Studio

I just read the blog of Lauralynn, my bear sister, and I remember that I talked about the organization of my studio.

I needed 2 weeks to organize my studio ; and for the EVENT, I took pictures...

I don't understand why my husband did not want to help me.... normally he is the first to help me but for my Studio...

Here you can see all the plastic boxes containing fabrics, felt, yarn, thread, accessories ...etc...

When my part of cleaning was done, he came out of the room with the vacuum and he said : It's frightening, Chantal, I found a carpet in your studio ; just to tell you how it was.

That part was not totally finished when I took the picture ; that's my Administrative Corner, with printers, fax, scan etc.... and pictures of people I like or teddy bears that I like.

Here is the main part of the studio ; my table with all I need when I make my little ones, with my awards and pictures of my family on the wall.

My creations on Ebay

Let me present my new creations FOR THIS WEEK :
Britni, 2 inches only, mini butterfly teddy bear from fabric;
she is on Ebay Here
Joryann, 3 inches, has been relisted on Ebay HERE

My new "pattern" : sculpting a polymer clay face for your teddy bears.

It's on Etsy, HERE


It is available on Etsy and my blog

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A lot of pictures and a project ; I need crochet participants

First of all, my granddaughter Claire came home with her big brother, today

My husband took pictures of flowers and birds around the garden :

And very soon, I will show you pictures of my studio when it is nearly organized.
I plan also to make a crochet teddy bear along ; every week, I would like to publish a part of one of my pattern and to do it, I will need participants ; so if you are interested by the project, and interested to publish your pictures on my blog, please let me know and leave your email address.
I need minimum 5 participants, more is better.
A new rule in the project is : the new part of the teddy will be published when I receive the pictures of all participants.

Friday, July 10, 2009

News and update

Macey, 3 inches, POLYMER CLAY FACE ; she is on Ebay HERE
Joryann, 3 inches, she is on Ebay HERE

I published a new "pattern" : sculpting a polymer clay face for your bears.

It's on Etsy, HERE


It is available on Etsy and my blog

Bozo, teddy bear clown, is still available, here

Pipo, another teddy bear clown is still available, HERE

Friday, July 03, 2009

New PDF pattern, instructions.

When I published the pattern of Dobbidy, I received a large request to send a how to for polymer clay face sculpting.

I was a little afraid to do it and finally, I did it.

You can find it HERE