Thursday, January 31, 2013

The City where I was born

A friend of mine published a video about Kolwezi, the city where I was born and spent my childhood, until 17 years old.
I never went back there, but it stayed in my heart... And a lot of memories, all my family was there.., friends... We were like a family there, only 2550 people in the city, knowing each other very well.
I think that I had to show you that part of my life.

When I see the sun there...all the year...
Life was not very easy, but we were children and everything was pink, with no problems.

I understand now my choice to live in Canada, a large country with nature, animals and bears.
However, the sun is missing... But we have snow...

Here is the video

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Work in progress

For the moment, I'm writing a new pattern... And here are the pictures I took yesterday night.
One bear is in progress and the other one is waiting to dry after dyeing with coffee.

Our lazy cat, Figaro

I could not wait to show you pictures of my big boy, Figaro....
I was preparing the blankets for laundry, when he decided to take a nap.
Guess what.... I waited he was awake to take the blankets...