Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nikita, a movie..............

Tomorrow, Nikita will be on Ebay, but be the first to see her movie 



2011 Christmas Edition has started

That's my favourite moment in the year ; Christmas is starting in November of each year ....
I created a Neena ; she is on Ebay now ; her face is partially sculpted with polymer clay.
She is made from alpaca.
Here is her link :

I like her a lot ; she is cute and her face is very expressive ; after pushing the sled, she is looking so tired.....

Monday, November 07, 2011

Tribute to Ian Fowler, a great man and friend

Saturday a bad news arrived ; Ian passed away ; his death was sudden and my husband and I, we have been shocked by the news ; knowing Ian, it was impossible that he lost a battle ; however, cancer had the first place this time.
Ian was one of my students in French second language ; I was just a little teacher compared to him ; always smiling, laughing and he liked to help people ; the life was a no-problem life ; only solutions no problems.
His family was his secret garden but when he knew that my daughter was named Laura, I knew that his daughter was a Laura too.
Ian, we will miss you, the side we know ; Alain, my husband has a beard for the moment, for Movember ; he did not like it but now he has a goal ; he knows that Movember will help people fighting against that sickness.
I thank you for all you did for me, for my family and the first job, you gave to my daughter Laura ; we will not forget it and I will keep you alive with your smile, "pas de problèmes, Chantal" (how many times you told me that).
The French group Students will stay in my heart and you are in that "family of French babies" that I adored during the two years we spent together.
I would like to show you pictures I have from that part of my life.... remember, when Don decided to imitate Ian with his cell ; Ian you were always busy, the big discussions we had, serious and not very serious.
You were my future specialist ; we had several specialists : in grammar, Cheryl, in reading, Jack, in laughing, Don and....... you know the story, you were there with us....
On the cell, during the 10 am break.

It looks a discussion between big men, but you had a smile on your face.

Laughing with Don..... 
Don playing your role on your cell....
Smiling again...
We were happy : I don't remember who took the picture : Rod ?